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Pitch Fibre vs Modern Piping

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    What's the Difference?

    When it comes to drainage systems, the materials used for piping are crucial for ensuring long-term functionality and reliability. Historically, pitch fibre pipes were a common choice for property drainage solutions, but modern advances have seen a shift towards alternative materials that offer improved performance and longevity. In this blog, we’ll explore the differences between traditional pitch fibre and modern piping systems, focusing on the implications for installation, maintenance, and overall system health. Pro Drainage Group, as a leading company in the UK, stands at the forefront of this evolution, providing state-of-the-art drainage installations, meticulous maintenance, and comprehensive solutions for all drainage needs.

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    The History and Composition of Pitch Fibre

    Pitch fibre pipes were introduced in the mid-20th century and quickly became a popular material for drainage systems due to their low cost and ease of installation. They are composed of wood cellulose fibres impregnated with inert coal tar or pitch. This composition, while innovative at the time, has inherent weaknesses that can lead to various problems over time.

    The Challenges with Pitch Fibre

    Despite their initial popularity, pitch fibre pipes are prone to deformation and can suffer from “ovaling” where the pipe becomes misshapen. This distortion can restrict flow and lead to blockages. Moreover, pitch fibre pipes have a relatively short lifespan of about 40 years, after which they can begin to deteriorate, leading to further complications such as root ingress and collapsing.

    The Shift to Modern Piping Systems

    In recent decades, the drainage industry has made significant strides in developing more robust and long-lasting materials. Modern piping systems are typically made from plastics such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride), uPVC (unplasticised polyvinyl chloride), or HDPE (high-density polyethylene). These materials are known for their strength, flexibility, and resistance to chemicals and other corrosive substances.

    Modern pipes boast a number of advantages over their pitch fibre predecessors. They are less prone to deformation, have a much longer lifespan (often exceeding 100 years), and are resistant to root intrusion and leaks. Moreover, they are environmentally friendly due to their recyclability, aligning with contemporary concerns for sustainable building practices.

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    Pro Drainage Group's Commitment

    As a leader in the UK drainage industry, Pro Drainage Group recognises the importance of utilising the latest technologies and materials to provide customers with the best possible service. From installations and maintenance to blocked drains, septic tanks, and CCTV surveys, the company ensures that every job is handled with the utmost professionalism and with the future in mind.

    Installation and Maintenance Services

    Pro Drainage Group offers comprehensive installation services that ensure your modern piping system is set up for success. With an eye for precision and excellence, they also provide regular maintenance that can help to prevent issues before they arise, ensuring that your drainage system continues to perform optimally for years to come.

    CCTV Surveys and Innovative Solutions

    Utilising state-of-the-art CCTV survey technology, Pro Drainage Group can conduct thorough inspections of existing drainage systems, identify any issues with pitch fibre pipes, and recommend the best course of action. Whether it’s a complete replacement with modern piping or a strategic repair, the company is equipped to provide solutions that are both effective and efficient.

    Embracing the Future

    The comparison between pitch fibre and modern piping systems is a tale of technological evolution in the drainage industry. While pitch fibre pipes served their purpose in the past, the advantages of modern piping systems are clear in terms of performance, maintenance, and environmental impact.


    For property owners and managers, the transition to modern materials is an investment in the future of their infrastructure. Pro Drainage Group is dedicated to facilitating this transition, delivering expertise and quality service that align with the latest advancements in the industry.

    To protect and enhance your property’s drainage system, it’s essential to partner with a trusted company like Pro Drainage Group, where cutting-edge solutions and customer satisfaction are always the top priorities. Transitioning to modern piping is not just a choice but a step towards